Saudi Aramco, one of the world's largest companies

Saudi Aramco, one of the world's largest companies 


Aramco is one of the largest oil refining company in Saudi Arabia and the Arab world, providing new ways to deliver petroleum products and services since 1933.  Aramco stands for  Arabian American Oil Company.

The company has grown and evolved to become a world leader in exploration and production, refining, shipping, distribution and marketing of products and services for oil and natural gas, chemicals.

Company's headquarters is located in Dhahran, Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia, and the company has branches in all parts of the  Saudi Kingdom, North America, Europe and Asia ...
Aramco discovered the largest oil field in the world, "Ghawar" in the eastern region of Saudi Arabia. The company also discovered the largest oil field in maritime areas in the world, "Safaniya field" in the Arabian Gulf.

in 2006,  Aramco ranked first in the list of the largest oil companies in the world for sixth year according to reports of "Petroleum Intelligence Weekly”. Also the company  was ranked first among  worldwide oil companies in the following areas:

• Crude oil reserves of  about 259.7 billion barrels, means the equivalent of a quarter of the total global reserves of oil.
• Crude oil production estimated at more than 10 million barrels per day at the present time.
• crude oil production capacity estimated at more than 11 million barrels per day and is going to rise  to 12 million barrels per day over the next few years.
 • Crude oil exports estimated at over 8 millions of barrels per day.
 • Natural gas liquids exports reached  around 274 million barrels in 2004.
So Aramco added a value to the black Gold as Arabians call it, and this really encourage to invest in commodities (Oil.Gold.and Silver …) .

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