Sources of Wealth in Qatar
Natural gas deposits have made the emirate of Qatar one of the richest countries in the world. But this change has come at a price. Qatar has the world’s highest income per capital.
The country has huge oil and gas resources. These resources have made Qatar rich and opened the way for companies that want to do business in the region.
Furthermore, the oil and gas resources have provided is that it has kept taxes very low. This is something that all businesses want since taxes cut is their main objective.
Another feature or source of wealth is that Qatar has a very good infrastructure ( roads, electricity and telecommunications..) like the well developed countries .
the resignation of power by Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al-Thani in favor of his
son Sheikh Tamim marked a new era in Qatar’s history.
gradually walked from the shadows onto the world stage as a regional
powerhouse. From a debt-ridden state, Qatar became one of the richest
countries in the world.
And this come as a result of an aggressive foreign policy seeking to place Qatar in international arena as a key player.
Qatar has achieved the first
objective and become the third largest producer of liquefied gas in the world
right after Russia and Iran, and
ultimately the gas revenues achieved other objectives.
it has powerful Media, for example : Al Jazeera television network was launched
in 1996, only a year after Sheikh Hamad assumed power. In an unconventional
manner, the television channel raised the bar for political expression, making
it the most viewed channel in the Arab world.
Recently, Doha has also actively worked as an international diplomatic broker
Recently, Doha has also actively worked as an international diplomatic broker
Overall, Doha’s foreign policy in the short-term achieved reasonable successes.
the end, Qatar
has reached highest levels in different fields and most observers have
expressed that the newly appointed emir would pursue the same successful foreign