2015: Buy and Hold US Dollar

Indeed, Bank of Japan is
expected to continue its quantitative easing program aiming to achieve
inflation target of 2% in order to help the fragile economic recovery. The Japanese
Yen already declined suffering from the rating agency Moody’s downgrade of Japan
sovereign debt on Dec 1, 2014 and from sales tax hike delay planned by Prime
Minister Shinzo Abe’s government.
In the Euro zone, the
outlook is gloomy: weak economic reports, high unemployment and low inflation
will leave no choice to the European central bank than to keep the euro
interest rates very low in order to give currency competitive advantage for the
European companies. ECB will then engage in new alternative easing measures in 2015.
The central banks monetary
policies divergence will increase the US treasury bonds yields and
consequently increase the demand for the greenback whilst investors will get
rid of the European/ Japanese assets. In addition, cheaper borrowing costs of
Euro and Yen will encourage carry-trade investors to borrow on very low
euro/yen interests to buy US dollars dominated assets.
Our 2015 forecast is
bearish for the EUR/USD pair and prices decline could reach as low as $1.15.
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